The Preferred Strategy is the first formal publication in the preparation of the 天美传媒 Replacement LDP. It signals the end of the pre deposit preparation and engagement stage, where stakeholders worked with officers and Members to identify the challenges, vision and strategy for the Preferred Strategy document.
Preferred Strategy
The Preferred Strategy sets out the long term vision for 天美传媒 by indicating how much development is needed within the Borough and broadly where it is likely to go over the 15 year period 2018-2033. It identifies the key challenges for the Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) to address, a vision and set of objectives. To deliver the vision and objectives the strategy contains 15 strategic policies.
Download the full Preferred Strategy document here
Summary of the Preferred Strategy
If you want to read a shorter and simpler version of the Preferred Strategy document, you can download a summary leaflet here.
Further advice can be obtained from the team by email or telephone on 01495 369668
Integrated Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report
The Initial SA report is the second stage of the SA process and appraises the social, economic and environmental effects of the LDP Preferred Strategy.
Download the Integrated Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report here.
An executive summary is available here.
Habitat Regulation Assessment
The purpose of the assessment was to identify any aspects of the Plan that might cause an adverse effect on the integrity of Natura 2000 sites, otherwise known as European sites (Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Ramsar sites), either in isolation or in combination with other plans and projects, and to advise on appropriate policy mechanisms for delivering mitigation where such effects were identified.
Download the Habitat Regulation Assessment Report here.
An executive summary is available here.
To view the background papers and supporting documents please click here
Contact Information
Planning Policy Team
General Offices, Steelworks Road, Ebbw Vale
NP23 8UW
Tel: 01495 369668