
New £360m Grange University Hospital on schedule to open in November

The official opening of Wales’ newest hospital is on track for mid-November which is way ahead of the original date of March 2021. This early opening will have the potential to help the region during the second Covid-19 spike and part of the hospital is being made ready to receive patients, if additional capacity is required. The early opening time will also help the Health Board respond to winter season pressures

The new hospital is part of the Health Board’s plan to restructure healthcare across Gwent, with the aim to improve health and wellbeing for the whole of the NHS across the Gwent area. This will mean changes for the Royal Gwent, Nevill Hall, Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr and Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan. These existing hospitals will serve as local general hospitals which will concentrate on routine and general care. A full list of services will be provided by the Aneurin Bevan Health Board after November 2020, although you can find out more on the ‘Your NHS services in Gwent are changing’ booklet available via this link.

The Grange University Hospital is currently scheduled to open on 17th November 2020. Created to provide a centre of excellence to treat seriously ill patients or those with significant injuries, it will now become the Emergency Department for the communities of Gwent. Previously Nevill Hall and the Royal Gwent Hospitals delivered these services.

There will still be 24/7 Minor Injury Units at the Royal Gwent Hospital, Nevill Hall Hospital and Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr. Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan will continue to have a Minor Injury Unit, open 9am-7pm Monday to Friday (closed weekends and bank holidays). Children aged one year and over can be treated at the Minor Injury Units but if they have a life-threatening illness or serious injury, they will need to go to The Grange University Hospital.

You can find out more about the changes to services on the Aneurin Bevan Health Board website.