
Employee Assistance Programme

A Welsh Government-funded employee assistance programme (EAP) will be in place from 4 December, offering a range of well-being support to those employed in the social care workforce in the private and voluntary sectors in Wales, including personal assistants. (We would encourage all those employed social care workers who already have access to existing EAPs to continue using them).

The EAP will be offered by Care First who employ professionally qualified counsellors and information specialists. They are experienced in helping people deal with all kinds of practical and emotional issues related to well-being, family matters, relationships, debt management, the workplace, and much more.

To help people better understand the services on offer, there will be a webinar on the 2 December 2020 at 3.30pm (for an hour including an opportunity to ask questions). This webinar is open to all those employed in social care in the private and voluntary sectors in Wales. The link to book a place on the webinar is https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2484630607866568462

We would be grateful if you could share this information with all recipients of direct payments, their personal assistants and any organisations commissioned to co-ordinate or support direct payment services.

If you have any queries please email EAPqueries@socialcare.wales

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